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网带、 链条、 链轮、 输送机、 烘干机、 风干机、 提升机、 加料机、 混料机、 油炸盒、 面刀、 面梳、 转弯机、 网带输送机、 链板输送机、 杀菌线、 降温输送线、 升温输送线、 排屑机链板、 马蹄链

  • 联系人:许德成
  • 电话:86-0534-5064699
  • 传真:86-0534-5064688
首页 > 供应产品 > 供应饼干人字形网带、网带挡板式提升机、网链提升机、网带式输送机、混料机
单价 面议对比
询价 暂无
浏览 986
发货 山东德州市
过期 长期有效
更新 2023-12-01 23:36
详细信息IP属地 广东
浩宇输送机械制造厂,建厂于1992年,位于华北平原交通便利的德州市。我公司是以生产各种自动化流水线用的金属网带、链条、链轮、不锈钢模盒、输送设备、玻璃机械等产品为主的专业化企业。产品广泛用于玻璃、食品、化纤、医药、电子、五金等行业。  我厂凭借着先进的专业技术,严格的质量控制,周到的售后服务同国内许多企业建立了长期稳固的业务关系。  多年来,我厂一直致力于产品的开发与生产,技术力量雄厚,装备精良,测试手段完备,品种规格齐全,能满足不同行业的需求,并且可完全替代进口产品。产品质量及企业信誉深受广大客户好评,为您提供质优价实的产品,真诚负责的服务是我们最大的心愿,让我们携手共进,共同分享成功的快乐。我公司本着以精益求精的生产精神,本着以他无我有,他有我优的战略方针。最完善的售后服务满足客户的需求,做到客户零风险使用的市场销售原则走在同行的前列才有我企业发展的明天。我们本着以诚信为本的经营理念才有企业明天的辉煌,以过硬的质量才能开拓庞大的市场前景  。客户就是我们永远的朋友。  产品介绍         1:玻璃行业:推瓶机、混料机、输瓶机、加料机、齿链带、退火炉网带、烤花炉网带、输瓶机网带、马赛克网带、规格有曲轴型、直轴型、菱形网带、高温网带、陶瓷高温直炉直花网筐、螺旋平行网带、排屑机链板、双股螺旋型。材质有A3低碳钢、1Cr13耐热钢、1Cr18Ni9Ti钢、0Cr18Ni14Mo2Cu2、耐热耐酸钢210无磁无镍不锈钢,202不锈钢,303不锈钢,304耐高温不锈钢,316耐高温不锈钢等。           2:食品饼干行业:幅宽180mm-1200mm棉线、尼龙线帆布带、烤炉网带、冷却喷油机网带,平转弯机网链,巧克力涂层机乙形网带。同时生产饼干机械设备喷蛋机乙型网带及肉食输送用乙型网带,进口机器超薄节能网带。及各种膨化食品烘拷网链带。           3:方便面及米粉行业:输送网带链条、蒸煮网链、面刀、面梳、不锈钢油炸盒和成型器         4:冷冻食品行业:蔬菜脱水流水线设备用不锈钢输送链条、网带、支轴等。         5:承制输送机械:链板输送机、模块式网带输送机、皮带输送机、转弯输送机、平行输送机、不锈钢链板链网输送机。         6:承制链条链轮:不锈钢食品传送链条、链板、尼龙传送链板、、不锈钢链轮、马蹄式链带、链片输送带;并加工各种规格材质的链轮。         7:矿业输送设备:提升机、带式提升机、斗式提升机。         8:饮料食品行业:烘干机、烘干机网带、风干机、风干机网带、食品杀菌机、隧道烘干机、帆布传送带。  The Haoyu transportation machinery factory, factories in 1992, Dezhou City, and convenient transportation in the North China Plain. Our company is the production of a variety of automated assembly line with metal mesh belt, chain, sprocket, stainless steel mold boxes, transmission equipment, glass, machinery and other products of specialized enterprises. The products are widely used in glass, food, chemical fiber, medicine, electronics, hardware and other industries. I plant with advanced technical expertise and strict quality control, and thoughtful service to establish long-term stable business relationship with many domestic enterprises. Over the years, our factory has been committed to the development and production of products, strong technical force, excellent equipment, complete testing means complete varieties and specifications, to meet the needs of different industries, and can completely replace the imported products. Received by our customers for product quality and enterprise reputation to provide you with the price of high quality products, sincere and responsible service is our greatest wish, let us work together and share the joy of success. My company to the spirit of excellence of the production, in line with his I, he has excellent strategic policy. The best service to meet customer needs to do the principle of market risk customers walking in front of peers have my business tomorrow. We are guided by the business philosophy of honesty only tomorrow´s brilliant, excellent quality in order to open up a huge market prospects. The customer is always our friend. Products        1: The glass industry: push the bottle machine, mixing machine, bottle machine, feeding machine, tooth chain with annealing furnace mesh belt the DECORATED furnace mesh belt, bottle conveying machine belt, mosaic mesh belt crank type, specifications, straight axle type, with a diamond mesh, Wimbledon with a high ceramic high-temperature direct furnace straight fence basket, spiral parallel mesh belt chip conveyor chain plate, double-helix type. A3 low carbon steel material, the 1Cr13 heat-resisting steel, 1Cr18Ni9Ti steel, 0Cr18Ni14Mo2Cu2, heat acid steel 210 non-magnetic nickel-free stainless steel, 202 stainless steel, 303 stainless steel, 304 high temperature stainless steel, 316 high temperature resistant stainless steel.        2: Food biscuit industry: width 180mm-1200mm cotton thread, nylon thread, canvas belt, oven mesh belt, cooling injection machine, mesh belt, flat cornering machine network chain, B-shaped chocolate coating machine network with. At the same time with the production of biscuits machinery and equipment spray egg machine B network and meat conveyor belt with a B network, ultra-thin energy-saving network with imported machinery. And a variety of extruded food bake copy the network chain belt.        3: instant noodles and rice industry: transmission network with the chain, cooking network chain, face cutter, face comb, stainless steel frying box and Former        4: the frozen food industry: dehydrated vegetables, assembly line equipment with stainless steel conveyor chain, mesh belt, support shaft.        5: the contract responsibility system, transportation machinery: chain conveyor, modular mesh belt conveyors, belt conveyors, turn conveyor, parallel conveyors, stainless steel chain plate chain net conveyor.        6: the contract responsibility system, the chain sprocket: stainless steel food delivery chain, chain plates, nylon transmission chain plate, stainless steel sprockets, Horseshoe chain belt, chain-chip conveyor; and processing all kinds of material sprocket.        7: mining transportation equipment: hoist, hoist belt and bucket elevator.        8: beverage and food industry: dryer, dryer network with air-dry machine, air-dry machine belt, food sterilization machine, tunnel dryer, canvas conveyor.